Onnikka Health


Teppo Virkkula Onnikka Health

Teppo Virkkula

Teppo Virkkula, MSc Technology, has 25+ years international experience in product management, marketing, sales, financing, entrepreneurship and leadership with technology companies. Onnikka caught his attention because of the research background, clinical evidence and commercial potential. Teppo’s responsibilities are mostly related to commercial aspects of Onnikka.

Silja Tarvonen Onnikka Health

Silja Rantaiso

Silja Rantaiso is an authorized nutritionist. Recently she has been working on research projects by focusing on nutrition individual and group counseling. Silja is responsible for customer training and materials as well as developing the content of the Onnikka.


Ville Nyman

Ville Nyman, MA, is responsible for application development, design, and supplier relations. He has already been developing Onnikka before the company Onnikka Health was founded, so he is familiar with Onnikka and its method. Ville has previously worked with digital collections and services for cultural heritage in public or non-profit organizations. Ville is motivated by the opportunity to code well-being to people and society.


Joona Heiskanen

Joona Heiskanen is the newest member of the Onnikka team. He works as a Junior Developer and alongside Ville is responsible for the development and design of Onnikka and its related services, as well as technical customer support.

Onnikka Health Harri Oinas-Kukkonen

Harri Oinas-Kukkonen

Harri Oinas-Kukkonen, Ph.D, is Professor of information systems science at the University of Oulu, where he previously served also as Dean of graduate school. He has been developing the Persuasive Systems Design methodology for some 15 years. He is a co-founder of Onnikka Health. He is a co-author of the book “Humanizing the Web: Change and Social Innovation” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013).

Markku Savolainen Onnikka Health

Markku Savolainen

Markku Savolainen, MD, PhD, is Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Oulu. He is one of the founders of Onnikka Health and has a long experience in studies on metabolic diseases such as hypercholesterolemia, type 2 diabetes and obesity. The Onnikka method has been developed under his guidance and investigated in a large clinical trial PrevMetSyn with excellent results. Professor Savolainen is ex-president of The Finnish Medical Society Duodecim and The Finnish Society of Internal Medicine.